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  • 09/20/2024 0 Comments
    Basic Animal Communication Class Online~ Starts October 26th


    Are you ready to talk to your animals more directly and indepthly? To give and receive the clear answers and validations to your questions and concerns?

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  • 02/29/2024 0 Comments
    Emergency/ Earlier Appointment

    Do You Need a Little Extra Guidance or Support?


    “Emergency appointments or earlier appointments” don’t have to be an actual crisis. Sometimes life throws us a curveball and we need some extra insight on a situation. One of the animals may be starting to act up and throwing off the home dynamic. You may have a sudden shift at work and need help reassuring the fur family the new schedule change etc… Or YOU need some extra support and direction… That’s what this is for.

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  • 02/20/2024 1 Comment
    2 Month Soul Empowerment Class ~ Living An Abundant Life

    This 2 month's Sacred Soul Journey series helps to empower and heighten your awareness around money, abundance, prosperity, and the universal flow around financial success.


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  • 09/05/2023 1 Comment
    Soul Journey and Empowerment Series starts 9/9

    What is stirring in your soul?  Who do you have to cheer you on in your life, especially when you’re going through turbulent times? What tools do you have in your toolbox that are actually working for you right now or do you need new tools to navigate life’s ups and downs?  How are you taking care of yourself? You know, that inner self care and self love?

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  • 04/07/2023 0 Comments

    This enlightening and empowering class helps hone in and fine tune your abilities and this skill is a lifelong tool you wil continue to use forever. Invest in you and your animal family today.






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  • 03/31/2023 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Soul Empowerment Series begins April 8th!

    Spring has sprung, vacations are being planned, calendars are getting filled up with busyness, fun and exciting adventures along with daunting tasks and events. Also, a time where we may lose our foundation, ourselves, and begin to feel overwhelmed or lost. 


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  • 12/23/2022 0 Comments
    End of the year Transitions

    Every year I write this post as a reminder and an awareness of this vast, portal or opening, that happens from November into January of the new year.  A mass amount of animals and people begin to leave the earth plane and transition into the spirit world, heaven the great beyond or wherever your spiritual or religious views are. You’ll continue to hear, read and see more and more people and animals leaving rapidly from now until the end of January 2023. The veil between the earthly plane and spirit plane is very thin and that’s also why we feel our loved ones in the spirt plane more.

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  • 12/23/2022 1 Comment
    Maple has her wings

    It is with a heavy and sad heart to share that my beloved Maple got her wings on 12-1-2022. (A number 1 in numerology, which means the beginning of a cycle.) I needed privacy, quiet and a safe space to begin to process this huge adjustment without my girl in the physical presence. It amazed me how much energy and space that lil nugget took up in our home. It is so quiet and so empty without her that it’s really taken my by surprise how much it echoes and feels so still in our home. Like I’m walking into a brand new home and I need to fill the space again, which I won't for a while.

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  • 07/20/2022 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Soul Revival 6 Month Class Series

    Please join us for growing your souls calling and nourishing yourself to the depths of your heart to further gain access to your higher calling and divine intuition. It is time to put YOU on your calendar to reignite that divine spark within, nourish yourself so you may be revive yourself, you must be good to yourself first in order to be good to others and NOW is the right time.

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  • 04/06/2022 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Home Visits in California

    Stacy is able to provide home visits locally here in the San Diego area for animal communication appointments for a minimum of an hour.

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  • 02/02/2022 2 Comments
    Soul Harmony Series 2022

    Hello my beloved peeps!

    My soul is feeling like it’s important to start the next series of classes to begin in March to help us stay on track and to get more excited about LIFE again! I’ve had numerous requests for dates and when it will begin again and today I awoke with a jolt and an urging to put out this blast NOW! YAHOOOOO…

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  • 09/02/2021 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Soul Harmony Class Series

    This rewarding and transformative series opens both the mind and spirit to allow the deep healing to enter into the dark and hidden paces of ourselves we once denied ourselves.

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  • 04/26/2021 - allspirithealing 809 Comments
    What a small world

    My beloved animal chiropractor, Dr. Cheryl mentioned a client of hers was trying to find this animal communicator, who was polish that she had used before, but had not been able to find her or remember her name.


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  • 02/22/2021 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Soul Harmony Class - 4 Month Series

    Are you bored and looking for something spiritually nourishing?

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  • 01/04/2021 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    1/11/2021 Meditation

    A New Years magical meditation on a very special day and what a GREAT way to start of the year with a powerful and healing meditation TOGETHER!

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  • 10/12/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    “Soul on Fire” Article in Coast News

    A beautifully written article was recently published in the CA Coast News on the important of Animal Communication and how our animals are helping to heal and teach us as a whole. 

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  • 09/10/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Soul Harmony Class


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  • 08/31/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    My recent update…

    I hope you’re doing well and enjoyed your summer! I didn’t send out an August newsletter so you didn’t miss anything.

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  • 08/31/2020 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Meditate with me…


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  • 08/22/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Brandon McMillan Podcast

    Some exciting news to share!!!

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  • 06/12/2020 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    2 Hour Basic Animal Communication Class

    A lot of people are now returning back to work after the whole COVID shelter in place orders are being lifted and their beloved fur babies are feeling overwhelmed and panicking. I am offering a brief, 2 hour basic Basic Animal Communication Techniques Class to assist in the change and ease the animals into new routines and schedules.


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  • 04/10/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Tools for healing you and your animals class

    We’re all in a very challenging time of our lives right now and its so important to be able to ground and center ourselves daily. Our schedules are off, our animals are in a state of disarray, our home life is rocked a little bit and we can be thrown off our center.


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  • 04/03/2020 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Soul Harmony Class

    There’s still time to sign up!!  You can join us for the next 3 months for $150 and be in a group of like minded people who will support you on your journey ahead.


    Are you ready to invest in time for yourself?  Has your soul been stirring? Have you felt unsettled and unsure why?  

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  • 04/03/2020 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Meet your Guides & Angels Class

    We all have angels and guides that help us through our daily lives, through the good and the bad. We actually have many guides and angelic beings that help us through the different phases of our journey.  


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  • 03/30/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    I Pray…

    My heart feels heavy today but I remain hopeful 


    I pray that we find the gift in this present moment.


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  • 03/26/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    2 Hour Animal Communication with Horses

    Calling all horse people!


    Due to the magnitude of the world around us I’m offering a 2 hour animal communication call on Monday, March 30th specifically for my horse people being at home and unable to go to the barn to visit their beloved horses.

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  • 03/16/2020 - allspirithealing 2 Comments
    Animals & Reincarnation

    This question comes up A LOT and there are so many variables with animals and reincarnation.


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  • 02/03/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Soul Harmony 4 Month Class

    Are you ready to invest in time for yourself?  Has your soul been stirring? Have you felt unsettled and unsure why?  


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  • 01/21/2020 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    PAWcast with Thriving Dog

    I’m thrilled to have chatted with @thrivingdog and to sharing some empowering tips and validations with animal communication 

    Ever wondered what your pet is thinking?


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  • 01/21/2020 - allspirithealing 3 Comments
    I met a guy last night…

    I met a handsome guy at the beach last night after Seaside’s healing service. He was so cute and was flirting with me as I parked my car and waited impatiently as got myself together and locked my doors. I wish I would have remembered to take his picture. He was sooooo cute!!


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  • 12/10/2019 - allspirithealing 3 Comments
    What’s in a name?

    What’s in a name?  How important is your name?  How important do you think it is for an animal to have a special name you ask?  Well, let me share with you some thoughts, feelings and experiences, especially when it comes to “rescue animals.”


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  • 11/19/2019 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    My mystical day…

     This was my mystical day yesterday.


    Today was a green light, perfect parking spots, magical mojo and in the flow kinda day.


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  • 11/19/2019 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Maple and her Chiropractor

    Ms Maple patiently waiting for her chiropractor.


    She’s been getting chiropractic for years off and on depending on what her body is saying. We miss our chiropractors back home in WI and We’re super grateful to have found 2 locally and very close to our house here in CA.


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  • 11/19/2019 - allspirithealing 0 Comments

    A Deep heartfelt thank you to all the Veteran’s who served our country!  Thank you for your service!


    Today marks the two year anniversary of my special boy, Connor Bonnor’s passing. He got his angel wings on 11-11-17. A special day for a special boy.


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  • 08/19/2019 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Back to school affects your animals too

    As our children go back to school or away to school it’s very important to share the details with your furry family. Share the how the schedules will be changing, the comings and goings, if they’ll only see their humans on weekends or the holidays etc…

    That will help from a lot of the unnecessary stress and frustrations the animals go through with their humans leaving the house.


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  • 08/05/2019 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Protect your energy workshop for humans and animals ~ online event

    Protect Your Energy Workshop~ for people and animals!  (online only)

    These tools you’ll be learning are the most sacred and precious tools to me because they literally have saved my life during my psychic development, personally and professionally and what I still use to this day. Also, animals and children are also the most vulnerable and need assistance and keeping their body and energy clear, which you will learn in class too, especially THERAPY ANIMALS!


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  • 06/11/2019 - allspirithealing 3 Comments
    Maple’s Regime

    Ms Maple 


    Maple is doing GREAT in our new home!! She’s thriving and sleeping more. She was quite worried, yet happy, when we moved in that she’d follow me from room to room and watch me like a hawk to see what I was up to.


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  • 04/15/2019 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    I’m movinggggggg…

    Hello my friend!  It’s been a hot minute since I had put out an email newsletter so there’s lots to catch you up on.


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  • 12/06/2018 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Community Spotlight Article in Natural Awakenings Magazine

    Yahoooo!!! I am thrilled to announce that I was chosen for the Community Spotlight in Natural Awakenings Magazine for the December issue! Thank you Gabi for asking me and thank you Sheila for writing such a beautiful article of this path I was unknowingly destined for. 


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  • 12/04/2018 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Beyond the rainbow bridge

    The rainbow bridge is a metaphor of animals crossing over in to the spirit plane by being chauffeured across this glorious rainbow bridge where they are greeted by other humans and animals who have passed onto the spirit plane before them.


    What happens after an animal passes away?


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  • 06/29/2018 - allspirithealing 2 Comments
    Sacred Soul Journey 6 Month Series

    This is an investment in YOU!  Enrollment starts NOW…


    Welcome to a 6 month journey of self exploration, deep healing, heightened intuition, deeper clarity, understanding your souls purpose and your arrival on this planet, while you learn more tools to navigate life’s ups and downs.  Gather strength and courage that lays dormant inside you and awaken the lioness within to gain power and confidence for your daily life.


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  • 04/09/2018 - Stacy Krafczyk 0 Comments

    Pain. Pain is good. Pain gets our attention. Physical and emotional pain is our barometer of what is working and what is not. Sometimes that’s the only way we’ll actually start to listen and pay attention.


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  • 04/01/2018 - Stacy Krafczyk 0 Comments

    I love it when undeniable information comes through for the clients from their loved ones and furry friends!


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  • 03/24/2018 - Stacy Krafczyk 0 Comments
    Yes, Brazil again…

    Hello my peeps! I’m delighted to be able to go back to Brazil to be in the presence and energy of John of God in the magical place of Abadania. It’s only been a month and a half since my last trip in January but when it calls you, it calls you, so I gots ta go! More later…



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  • 02/23/2018 - Stacy Krafczyk 0 Comments
    Hank the Tank

    This sexy, 18 lb, beast of a cat, Hank the Tank, made his unexpected transition to the spirit plane yesterday on 2-22. 2 Hawks flew over us as I drove to the emergency vet letting me know there were others waiting for him. The vet bill was $211 when I left. 


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  • 02/08/2018 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Site Launch

    Our new website is finally up. We’ve worked hard to get a beautiful new site ready and we’re proud to show it off. Thanks for reading our blog. We have lots of great blog posts in the works. Please check back or contact us now to find out how we can help you.

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  • 12/31/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Happy New Year

    Happy, almost, New year! Even though I’m a bit under the weather I will still be celebrating a short, but sweet gathering then home to rest more. I think the holiday season and too much ripping and running took it’s tool on me because I didn’t have enough “me” time.


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  • 12/16/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Lessons I’ve learned along the way…

    I’ve experienced many great losses in my life, as most of us have, but my grandfather was the first deep, devastating loss. That shook me to the core because he was the only father figure and me role model I had growing up. His passing was a huge blow to me and my entire family.


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  • 12/14/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Messages from the fur babies during this winter season

    A sweet message from the fur babies:


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  • 11/30/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    The passing of my beloved boy

    It is with a heavy heart to share that my beloved boy cat Connor made his transition on 11-11 at 11 1/2 years old. The last vet bill was $1118. A very auspicious and angelic number 11 or 111 is. They say those are angel numbers. My boy got his wings!


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  • 10/30/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Cat Probiotic Treats

    I picked these bad boys up at bark n scratch last month n my kids luv em! They stopped taking their probiotics n fish oil so I’m forever rotating them to c what works. Quite irritating n expensive but my kids are worth it, especially since one of my kids has IBS, so that’s even more important to have and use!


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  • 10/19/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Anniversary of my Grandmothers passing

    Today marks the year anniversary of my spicy ol’ shits departure to the spirit plane to reunite with her beloved husband Ray and many, many others. She passed away peacefully at 98 1/2 years young. She was delighted in the fact to almost live to be 100 years old so she would meet the president of the United States because of her age. She was so cute and inspirational!


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  • 10/01/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Fall FETCH Magazine Article

    Here is the fall edition to the very informative and awesome FETCH magazine that I write for quarterly. The article is “messages from heaven.” 


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  • 09/04/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Intuition 101

    Start the new year off embracing and delving into your intuition. It is something to be embraced, not feared. It is a gift we’re all born with and all have.


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  • 09/04/2017 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Louise Hay’s Passing

    It is with such a heavy heart to share that another trailblazer and healing pioneer has joined the spirit plane on August 30th! Louise broke down barriers, lead the way for transformative teaching, and helped teach people to heal themselves emotionally and physically, especially from cancer, as she did for herself, for millions of people all around the world. She will truly be treasured and missed. The link below is to read more about her life and legacy.


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  • 07/28/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    A Beautiful testimony from an amazing client

    A lovely new client wrote such a loving and beautifully written detailed blog about their experience with a animal communication phone consultation and wanted to share her experience with others.


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  • 06/30/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    My lil wake-up moment

    In recovery mode… I had minor surgery on Monday to remove a basal cell carcinoma in a place where the “sun didn’t shine.” The whole procedure was a bout 1 an hour to remove all the areas surrounding it. It’ll go back to the lab to make sure it’s all gone now. Hasta la bye bye


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  • 06/01/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    The magic between us

    Here is my Summer article for the FETCH magazine on page 37:


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  • 05/11/2017 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    My Trio, the 3 Musketeers, and the Trinity effect

    This is my Powerhouse trio, the 3 Musketeers, the Trinity effect in the spirit plane that assist me on the earthly plane. They are all very near and dear to my heart and miss their physical presence on earth. Carol Roberts, Rebecca Moravec, and my Grandmother.

    In order of their passing…


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  • 04/25/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Site Launch

    Our new website is finally up. We’ve worked hard to get a beautiful new site ready and we’re proud to show it off. Thanks for reading our blog. 

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  • 04/04/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Animals showing pain

    I receive a lot of insight from the animal companions about how much pain they are in and new patterns and behaviors they create to let their people know they’re uncomfortable. A lot of animals that are aging or in the throws of a disease show me how much more they’re beginning to pace to get comfortable or pace to help move through the pain they’re experiencing.


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  • 04/04/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Taking time to rebalance

    Hello my friend! Happy spring and all the goodness abound!


    I have been going through an amazing internal process since my return from Brazil with John of God. I’m feeling, sensing, and experiencing all different and powerful kind of things. My gifts are growing and evolving so I’m learning how to harness them as well. Exciting!


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  • 04/01/2017 - allspirithealing 3 Comments
    Animals are very sentient beings

    I am very honored to have written an article for FETCH magazine for the spring issue. It comes up a lot and I wanted to share more about it, especially with therapy animals; including all animals, dogs, cats, birds, horses etc… They needed to be cleared BEFORE and AFTER the therapy sessions. That’s very important!
    Read more below.


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  • 03/29/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    A Rebecca Moment…

    A Rebecca moment:


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  • 03/23/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Article on animal sensitivities to energy

    Animals are very sensitive and energetically intuitive beings. During many of my animal communication sessions the animals are taking on the energy of the environment, their human and animal friends physical and emotional issues, which creates a bigger problem for all concerned. Therapy animals are extremely sensitive and tend to take in all of that and it builds and builds until unfortunately, something happens to bring their humans attention to it. That’s why it’s SO Important to keep them clear and protected PRIOR and AFTER a therapeutic visit.


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  • 03/09/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Signs all around

    17! Yes, 17 Hawks I saw today and one crane who flew directly above me. Ok… I’m paying attention!


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  • 03/09/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Thank you instead of I’m sorry

    I read a fantastic article in the Huffington Post that I feel is extremely important to share, especially for women. We’re so busy apologizing for every little thing that it is important to start being comfortable about being in our emotions.


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  • 03/08/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    John of God in New York

    I had an absolutely amazing and spiritually amazing healing experience in Brazil a few months ago. 


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  • 02/28/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    John of God Informative Seminar

    I have been blessed to have been able to travel to Brazil and be in the presence of John of God in Abandania, Brazil. I am extremely excited to share my experience, details and goodies I’ve learned while in Brazil while at the John of God casa.


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  • 02/17/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    The Saltroom Therapy in Pewaukee

    It is NO Fun being sick much less having to get caught up with work etc… I did go to the saltroom in Pewaukee 2x’s this week to help move through this bug quicker, which did seem to help. My sinuses cleared instantly.


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  • 01/07/2017 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Vegetarian vs Omnivore

    A fantastic article written by Penelope Smith, the founder of Animal Communication. Another must read article…


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  • 01/02/2017 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Happy New Year

    Hello my dear friends!


    I’m wishing you a bright and happy new year of goodness, brilliance, laughter, love, abundance and great health.

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  • 12/06/2016 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Coming Full Circle

    I just had to share what a fun, fascinating and great night tonight I had at a business networking meeting. It also was a great reminder of where I started over 10 years ago. There were several God wink moments that I enjoyed as well.


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  • 07/20/2016 - allspirithealing 0 Comments



    Friendship to me makes me world go round and brings me great peace in my life and soul. I am surrounded by a great group of fabulous friends, far and wide, who love, support, challenge, respect, cherish, respect and honor me. As I do for them the best I can. I’m SO grateful to be who I am, personally and professionally, and loved exactly the same! ‪#‎grateful‬ ‪#‎great friends‬


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  • 05/01/2016 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Animal Communication is not a substitute for great veterinary care or training

    Animal Communication is a very important tool and key to people and their animal companions overall wellbeing. It is NOT a substitute for good veterinary care and training. 


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  • 03/16/2016 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Honoring My Humanness

    My grandmother means the world to me!  She has always been my biggest supporter of my spiritual and psychic work from the very beginning and this entire journey.  The ESP runs in her side of the family very strongly and each one of her children and grandchildren have their own unique abilities that assist them in their daily life.


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  • 02/01/2016 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Options For An Appointment With Stacy

    Here are a few things to think about…  20 mins, half hr or hr appt? the investment is $65 for 20 minutes, $85 for a half hr, and $150 for the full hour. You can read more about it here



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  • 01/28/2016 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Part Of My Morning Ritual

    Each morning I wake up, before I open my eyes, I give thanks for everything, especially the protection to sleep at night from my Angels. I’ve had many sleepless and disturbed sleep in the past that a good nights rest is super important to me.


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  • 12/26/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Honoring An Amazing Soul

    In Remembrance of a special soul:
    Today marks a very hard day for many of us around the world. The passing of a wife, aunt, daughter, sister, relative, a dear friend, teacher, mentor and a spiritual warrior.  The 1 year Anniversary of departure of her physical presence.


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  • 12/04/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Envision Your Life Workshop

    This powerful and uplifting class comes at the perfect time of the year to begin to see, feel, and envision 2015 but your ‘WHOLE’ life! Now that’s powerful.  This workshop includes affirmations, mantras, vision boards, and a meditation to seal the day with the cherry on top of all the hard work being created.


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  • 07/31/2015 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Summer Animal Communication Tip

    Summer trips, vacations, parties and getting ready to go back to school.
    Those all can be pretty disrupted for our fur friends. That’s where talking to your animal friends will help side step some problems and be a good preventative to any unexpected issues upon your return.


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  • 07/12/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments

    This blog is about timing and how unpredictable and sometimes how just plain shitty it can be. Timing is very hard to know, predict and how accurate it may or may not be for readings and life in general!


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  • 06/15/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments

    Boundaries, we all need them, personally and professionally! Do you even have any?? Not everyone appreciates boundaries or my boundaries but they are very necessary for everyones existence, mental wellbeing and overall health.


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  • 06/03/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Cancellation Notice, Policies and Guidelines


    I require at least a 24 hour cancellation notice, as most businesses do. I may be a non-traditional business but I AM A PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS WOMAN. Life does happen but there is common courtesy and respect for appointments and other peoples time. Plus, an “I’m sorry” goes a long way and shows that you’re acknowledging the inconvenience and my time to say the least.


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  • 04/17/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Remembering prior sessions…

    Some people will ask me if I remember their sessions? No, not usually unless something specific or profound happens. I’m usually channeling their animals messages or messages from relatives or their guides so I don’t tend to remember much. When I do group readings or readings at venues I usually have 9 appts on those days so I don’t remember a lot from those days either. Once in a while somethings will resonate for me and may be a message I needed to hear to and I embrace those messages into my noggin to help me along my path.


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  • 02/02/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Being “Sensitive”

    I have been called “too sensitive” most of my life like it was a bad thing and I thought it was. I’m sure many of you reading this, like me, were/are called sensitive. Own it, claim it, and let it empower you! Now, I know it is a good thing and it makes me who I am, personally and professionally. I was always called too sensitive to people, places, things and especially for taking things too personal. Well, I could feel when things were directed at me so I did tend to take them personal. Now, I’m learning to let that go or call people on their stuff if it is appropriate.


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  • 01/12/2015 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Trying to forge on…

    A very special thank you to Petlicious and to all the people and furry friends who came for animal communication sessions yesterday. It was a very emotional, powerful and moving day and I am honored to have been able to be participate in the goodness. It will be quite the transition for us all adjusting, shifting and processing Rebecca’s void and we’re all doing our best.


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  • 12/29/2014 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    In Honor and Memory of a Dear Friend

    I am very sad to say that a dear friend, mentor and spiritual soul sista has made her transition into the spirit plane! It’s very challenging to allow my “human” side to process all of the normal emotions of sadness, anger, mourning, grieving, laughing and just trying to be with this all right now. Rebecca has taught SO many of us and has been such a profound influence that she leaves a legacy behind and quite a void that no one will be able to fill.


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  • 12/15/2014 - allspirithealing 5 Comments
    Haters will Hate, Fakers will Fake



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  • 11/05/2014 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Honoring Dr. Emoto

    Dr. Emoto was/IS a brilliant man who’s work has shifted the worlds view of water, how our thoughts and words completely effect the water, and how it’s important to bless the water and pretty much everything we drink and eat. I have felt a very deep connection to him and his work and it saddens me of his passing on October 17, 2014. The World is still mourning him but his work and spirit forever lives on. He will continue helping us all in a grander way from the spirit plane.


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  • 09/09/2014 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Evil Spirits VS Attorney

    Evil Spirits VS Attorney- who would win? The attorney! After all the chaos and fuss about the work that I do and the huge fear they had of the “evil spirits” I would bring to her professional building has since changed upon receiving the letter from lawyer. Interesting, huh! Guess I’m not so bad after all or at least the spirits aren’t so scary anymore…


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  • 09/09/2014 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Moving Forward

    I am saddened to announce that after signing my lease 2 weeks ago and having moved into my new office that I have been officially uninvited and being kicked out of my office because the owner feels that I deal with “evil spirits” and doesn’t want that in her building. That her building is a “professional building” and I’m not welcome there. No words are able to describe my shock, disbelief, disappointment, anger that I feel right now. I am saddened to know there is still such ignorance, prejudice, discrimination and fear in what I do. Yes, It may be a little bit different than the “norm” but I bring healing, comfort, empowerment, closure and peace for animals and people!


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  • 08/06/2014 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Healing Myself

    GREAT NEWS!! I am excited to share that I no longer need the thyroid supplements!! yahoo!! My blood tests came back perfect after 2 years of being on the holistic supplement. SOOOO…


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  • 08/01/2014 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Living the dream

    A fantastic opportunity has risen for me to clarify a few things. One, thank you for your support in who I am and what I do! Secondly, For those that know me professionally as well as personally know that I am an authentic, caring, compassionate, honest and truthful person. I do the best I can every day.


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  • 06/19/2014 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Stay in your lane…

    This has been coming up for me a lot lately and for my clients and I wanted to share the latest insights… Enjoy!


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  • 10/08/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Basic Intro to Crystals for People & Animals

    The most important thing that you can first learn about crystals is that they are not just inanimate objects. They are living entities that can be our friends, guides, and teachers. Crystals are capable of receiving, containing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting light, this is the highest form of energy known in the physical universe. Each type of crystal gives off its own vibration.



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  • 04/30/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Animal Communication Class

    Unveil the mystery of telepathic communication with animals! Discover the true identity of animals- their emotional and spiritual nature, how animals communicate and understand what we say to them and what prevents humans from receiving their messages.


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  • 03/06/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Afterlife Communication

    Perhaps you have lost someone you love suddenly and did not have the chance to say the things you had wanted to say, or as time moved forward you developed questions for them that remain unanswered. Perhaps you worry or feel guilty that you did not make the best choices for them, or you wonder where they are now and if they are happy, or if you were unable to say goodbye…


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  • 03/05/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Animal Communication

    Animal Communication is a form of intuitive or telepathic communication, a non-verbal language. It is something that we all are born with and is a very natural ability that we all have. All animals are able to communicate with us through telepathy, including wildlife and exotic animals. The size of the animal does not matter, it’s their ability to communicate with us, for the smallest animals can have the most profound and powerful messages.


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  • 03/04/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Energy Work / Reiki

    Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word that means “spiritual energy” and is an energy therapy system that uses a form of hands on healing. It is a simple and gentle transference of universal life force energy that permeates everything. Some refer to it as chi, ki, prana, love or light energy. There is a growing body of scientific studies supporting the effectiveness of Reiki.


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  • 03/03/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Energy Work / Reiki

    Reiki is a very specific form of energy healing, in which hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body, as in “laying on of hands.” Reiki is a type of hands-on energy treatment that preserves and improves health, reduces stress, and promotes an overall sense of well being for animals and humans.


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  • 03/03/2013 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Intuitive Reading

    Stacy is a professional psychic medium. Stacy acts as a mediator between the physical and the spiritual world. Her unique gift is not only the ability to see and hear messages, she can also taste and feel things which is often reflected through her own physical being as she experiences the emotions and feelings from earth and the Spirit World.


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  • 03/03/2013 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Animal Healing

    In this extremely helpful class you will learn about nutrition (the #1 cause of most diseases in animals!) energy work. Learn how to do a full body scan from an animal from head to tail essential oils, crystals, herbs and many other healing modalities outside of the common western medicine for your animal companions.


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  • 03/01/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments

    Meditation is the “key” to spiritual growth, inner awareness, psychic development, health, lower stress levels, deeper inner peace, teaches one how to handle things differently and to be in an overall state of well-being.


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  • 02/22/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    Protection Workshop

    Does your child having problems sleeping?  Do you feel wiped out after work or after a conversation with someone?  Are you very sensitive and empathetic and pick up other people’s energy or ailments?  Do you feel like you have some unwanted energy in your home that you need helping get rid of?  Is one of your animal companion super sensitive, anxious, skittish or aggressive?  Then this workshop will be perfect for you!!


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  • 02/19/2013 - allspirithealing 0 Comments
    What is Reiki?

    The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”, so Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”


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  • 03/02/2012 - allspirithealing 1 Comment
    Shamanic Journey

    Journeying, like meditation, is a tool for spiritual growth. It is also a tool that can be used for healing, obtaining information, and working through psychological issues. Psychologically some people use the journey to work through emotional issues or trauma. In current or past lifetimes, we may have suffered emotional or physical trauma and our energy field shatters or parts of our soul become stuck.


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Stacy has great intuition for both animals & people. She's excellent at evaluating what the situation is & what it requires to get better. I would hire her &/or work with her anytime.

- Laura C.

Animals have souls no less than their humans. Stacy's readings help open all — humans, cats, dogs, birds — of our souls to each other, to understanding and love, and all are so much better off for it!

- Fred L.

Stacy is amazing and she's helped us more than once. She's an intuitive, a healer, and more. She told me Mitzy liked it when Michael sang to her. I was oblivious that Michael sang to Mitz…until Stacy mentioned it. And Mike does makeup songs and sing to Mitzy all the time. We lost Mitzy in June.

- Anne W.

Working with Stacy has helped me better understand the need of my precious pups. She has given me information about my dogs' cares, wishes, and needs that only my dogs and I would know. As two of my dogs are very elderly and have severe health issues, she is helping me help them to make their later years the best as can be for them. She's terrific!

- Carol Y.

Stacy is the real deal. I wouldn't have believed it until we experienced her animal communication skills first hand. She has assisted us more than once and we treasure knowing someone as honest as her.

- Paul D.

I have taken many of the classes Stacy offers. She teaches in a comfortable setting with a smaller number of students giving you a much more personal experience. I truly believe Stacy has changed myself and my animal companions lives for the better.

- Alison F.

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